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100 This or That Questions for Work Team Building

Kicking off a team meeting with a “This or That” team building game is a super fun and easy way to get everyone loosened up and connected. It’s all about bringing the team together in a laid-back. It’s simple, engaging, and a fantastic icebreaker to mix things up!

Here’s how you could structure it:

Arrange the team in a circle or in a way where everyone can see each other. Choose a facilitator to read out the questions. Team members indicate their choice between the two options by raising a hand or moving to different sides of the room designated for each response. This physical movement adds a fun, dynamic element to the game. After each question, you can encourage a quick discussion or sharing of reasons behind choices for one or two volunteers, allowing team members to talk deeper into personal preferences and working styles. This game breaks the ice and reveals similarities and differences within the team light-heartedly, promoting openness and understanding in personal and work-related contexts.

100 This or That Questions for Work

Here’s a list of 100 “This or That” icebreaker questions for work and teams to start conversation, promote team building, and gain insights into preferences and working styles:

  1. Would you rather work from home or work in the office?
  2. Would you rather have flexible work hours or a fixed schedule?
  3. Would you rather attend in-person meetings or virtual meetings?
  4. Would you rather have a lot of small projects or one big project?
  5. Would you rather have open office space or individual offices?
  6. Would you rather work in a team or work alone?
  7. Would you rather have more instructions or more freedom?
  8. Would you rather have a quiet workspace or a music-filled workspace?
  9. Would you rather have a company-supplied lunch or bring your own lunch?
  10. Would you rather have strict deadlines or open-ended projects?
  11. Would you rather have morning meetings or afternoon meetings?
  12. Would you rather use email or instant messaging for work communication?
  13. Would you rather participate in a workshop or watch an instructional video?
  14. Would you rather have a standing desk or a sitting desk?
  15. Would you rather have a company car or a travel allowance?
  16. Would you rather have more team building activities or fewer?
  17. Would you rather have a professional development budget or more paid time off?
  18. Would you rather dress formally or casually for work?
  19. Would you rather have predictable work or varied tasks every day?
  20. Would you rather be part of a small company or a large corporation?
  21. Would you rather work early in the morning or late at night?
  22. Would you rather have a local team or a globally distributed team?
  23. Would you rather work with technology or work with people?
  24. Would you rather have a lot of meetings or few meetings?
  25. Would you rather work on innovative projects or maintain existing systems?
  26. Would you rather work under pressure or at a relaxed pace?
  27. Would you rather have a job with traveling or no travel at all?
  28. Would you rather be paid more or have more vacation days?
  29. Would you rather have a predictable paycheck or performance-based bonuses?
  30. Would you rather be a manager or an expert in your field?
  31. Would you rather work in a creative role or a technical role?
  32. Would you rather have a career mentor or find your own way?
  33. Would you rather attend industry conferences or take online courses?
  34. Would you rather have a long commute with a dream job or a short commute with a mediocre job?
  35. Would you rather work for a startup or an established company?
  36. Would you rather have job security or high job flexibility?
  37. Would you rather take on new responsibilities or perfect your current ones?
  38. Would you rather have a physical planner or a digital planner?
  39. Would you rather have more control over projects or more support from team members?
  40. Would you rather work on domestic projects or international projects?
  41. Would you rather receive feedback through email or face-to-face?
  42. Would you rather use Macs or PCs at work?
  43. Would you rather have an office with a view or a larger desk?
  44. Would you rather have longer workdays with longer weekends or shorter workdays with shorter weekends?
  45. Would you rather have more autonomy or more guidance in your work?
  46. Would you rather have company fitness facilities or a wellness program?
  47. Would you rather have a busy but short-term project or a long but steady project?
  48. Would you rather work in a bustling city or a quiet rural area?
  49. Would you rather focus on data analysis or creative design?
  50. Would you rather have instant job results or impactful long-term results?
  51. Would you rather be the team leader or the key contributor?
  52. Would you rather have a predictable routine or new challenges every day?
  53. Would you rather work for a non-profit or a for-profit organization?
  54. Would you rather have a job that requires a uniform or one that has no dress code?
  55. Would you rather attend regular training sessions or self-directed learning?
  56. Would you rather have an unlimited supply of snacks or a gourmet coffee machine?
  57. Would you rather deal with paperwork or deal with people?
  58. Would you rather have an onsite childcare or flexible working hours for parents?
  59. Would you rather work in a high-stress competitive environment or a calm collaborative environment?
  60. Would you rather have a yearly bonus or regular smaller bonuses?
  61. Would you rather be involved in hiring decisions or product development decisions?
  62. Would you rather work for a younger manager or a more experienced manager?
  63. Would you rather have a high-paying job with less satisfaction or a lower-paying job with high satisfaction?
  64. Would you rather spend your workday solving problems or brainstorming ideas?
  65. Would you rather have a hands-on role or a strategic role?
  66. Would you rather work on public sector projects or private sector projects?
  67. Would you rather have a job that requires physical work or mental work?
  68. Would you rather have regular performance reviews or continuous informal feedback?
  69. Would you rather have a permanent desk or hot-desking?
  70. Would you rather be recognized by your peers or your supervisors?
  71. Would you rather have more responsibility or more time off?
  72. Would you rather have a clear career path or opportunities for random exploration?
  73. Would you rather work indoors or outdoors?
  74. Would you rather attend face-to-face training or complete online modules?
  75. Would you rather be an early adopter of technology or use tried and tested tools?
  76. Would you rather have a role with critical decision-making or supportive tasks?
  77. Would you rather work for a company that is socially responsible or one that is highly profitable?
  78. Would you rather have a fast-paced environment or a stable, slow-paced environment?
  79. Would you rather have a high-profile job or a behind-the-scenes role?
  80. Would you rather work with older experienced colleagues or younger enthusiastic colleagues?
  81. Would you rather work for a company that prioritizes innovation or one that values tradition?
  82. Would you rather have job tasks assigned to you or have the ability to pick your tasks?
  83. Would you rather work close to home or have the perfect job far away?
  84. Would you rather have a high-stress job that pays well or a low-stress job that pays less?
  85. Would you rather be involved in project planning or project execution?
  86. Would you rather have a salary increase or more professional development opportunities?
  87. Would you rather have a job that benefits society or a job that benefits your personal growth?
  88. Would you rather work for a boss who is hands-off or hands-on?
  89. Would you rather focus on achieving your personal goals or achieving team goals?
  90. Would you rather have a resource-rich environment or a resource-limited environment that challenges your creativity?
  91. Would you rather have job stability or job excitement?
  92. Would you rather work in an industry that is rapidly evolving or one that is stable and unchanged?
  93. Would you rather be famous within your professional community or anonymous but satisfied with your work?
  94. Would you rather work with cutting-edge technologies or with basic, well-understood tools?
  95. Would you rather have a long lunch break or start and finish your day earlier?
  96. Would you rather focus on quality or speed in your work?
  97. Would you rather have a job where you can wear comfortable clothes or one that requires professional attire?
  98. Would you rather work on a team with diverse skill sets or a team with similar skills and views?
  99. Would you rather have a manual task-oriented job or a thought-intensive job?
  100. Would you rather have extensive job training or jump straight into hands-on work?

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