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Working in Quebec City

Quebec City is a city with a strong economy. This means that there are more career opportunities in the city than you could have imagined. With a low unemployment rate and a workplace that is outstandingly rated by many who are living in the city, Quebec is surely a destination for those who are seeking career opportunities in the country.

With this condition, the city’s industries have been projected to offer approximately 70,000 job positions. This is based on the projections made by Employment Quebec which projected the possible employment opportunity rates for the next five years in the city.

Quebec As an Economic Hub With a Progressive Economy

As a city noted as one of those which have low unemployment rates, Quebec’s progressive economy and the number of retiring individuals from the workforce would surely bring in a lot of work opportunities to everyone. Being the second largest economic hub in the province of Quebec and seventh in the whole of Canada, Quebec City has created and supported approximately 66,000 jobs in the region. Their main economic driver is the high technology incorporated in almost all of the industries in the city. Economic sectors like life sciences, financial services, insurances, food processing, ICT, and the green/intelligent building constructions have been seeking for more individuals to join their respective workforce.

Here Are Some Key Notes on the Business Sector in Quebec City:

  • Almost 20,000 business have opened and operated in the city, as listed in the business register database of Statistics Canada in 2010.
  • There are almost 800,000 active market individuals living in the city, as stated in the 2011 census of Quebec City CMA.
  • 300 research centres with 5,200 researchers have been listed in the key sectors of the region, working tirelessly to seek new innovations that could boost the economy further. This is in partnership with research companies and scholastic institutions in the region.
  • The economic index of the city in the 2010 Economic Development Index listed by MDEIE has gone up to 102.7%, bringing along Montreal at 101.5% and the province of Quebec at 100%.

These notes alone will tell you how many opportunities Quebec City has in store for you. This is the best time to decide on your future by moving to Quebec City.