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We desire to bring information to everyone about the career opportunities they can have when planning to move to Quebec City. This site is specially designed to become a liaison between career finders with distinctive skills and credentials and the industries that continually support the city’s progressive economy.

The ageing population, maintaining a low unemployment rate, and the progressively steady economy in the city are some of the factors that bring companies in the city to the decision of looking out for more workers outside Quebec and even Canada.

Supports given on this recruitment company website include the city council of Quebec City, Quebec Ministry of Immigration, Diversity, and Inclusion (MIDI), Emploi-Quebec, Quebec International, and the National Capital Secretariat (NCS).

Everything you see on our website – from reference documents and guides to external websites to government information charters – are all designed to give you answers to your inquiries and concerns regarding your career search in Quebec City.

For questions regarding immigration, job opportunities, employment concerns, cultural and professional integration, and entrepreneurship, you can check here.